S2E24: Grounding Practice with Vanessa Roanhorse: Box Breathing

About this episode:

In this Grounding Practice, Vanessa Roanhorse—CEO and Portfolio Lead of Roanhorse Consulting and co-founder of Native Women Lead—leads us through a box breathing exercise used to relieve stress and help move the nervous system out of fight or flight mode by bringing the focus to the breath.

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  • Follow @thisishowwecare on Instagram or signup for our newsletter for more practices and prompts to embody a world of collective care

  • If you want to listen to the full episode that accompanies this Grounding Practice, check that out separately here.

Full Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Emily Race-Newmark: Welcome to This Is How We Care, a podcast where we look at what it means to embody care, not as an individual practice, but a collective one, and to see what kind of world emerges from this place.

Thank you for being here. I am your host, Emily Race.

Today's Grounding Practice is brought to you by Vanessa Roanhorse. You can listen to our full interview over at that separate episode, wherever you tune into our podcast.

We invite you now to take the next couple of moments to get yourself into a comfortable position, perhaps transitioning to a new space in your environment, or shutting out any external distractions pausing this if needed to fully arrive.

With that I'll hand it over to Vanessa, who will lead us through this short practice. 

Vanessa Roanhorse: This is a grounding that a friend and colleague [00:01:00] shared at a recent Native Women Lead retreat. It's called the box grounding. 

And so what it is is finding your comfortable space, wherever you are. You're welcome to put your feet to the ground. You're welcome to close your eyes, but the whole point is to identify and use breath to recenter and let go of stress.

So we'll start and the count goes one, so you'll breathe in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold. 1, 2, 3, 4. Exhale. 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold. 1, 2, 3, 4. And then you'll do one more round. 

In each of the holding of four seconds, everyone measures differently. So this is going to be quiet because we'll be doing it ourselves. And when you've completed the two cycles of the square, open your eyes and we can come back to the conversation.[00:02:00] 

So with that, I'm gonna close my eyes and start doing my meditation.

I hope you feel more relaxed.

Emily Race-Newmark: Thank you for listening and being in this experience together. 

We invite you to head over to our full interview with Vanessa to hear more about her vision for rematriating economies and bringing an indigenous worldview to the realm of finance and [00:03:00] capital.

 Hope to see you there.


How We Make Reparations With Hilary Giovale


How We Rematriate Economies With Indigenous Women with Vanessa Roanhorse