S2 E3: Grounding Practice w/ Madame Gandhi

About this episode:

In this Grounding Practice, Madame Gandhi guides us through a meditation to center in who we are and connect to a vibration of joy from within.

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Join our Patreon Community for bonus content including:

    • The challenges and lessons that the COVID 19 pandemic taught Madame Gandhi (Kiran) in her perspective on multidimensionality

    • How to create more positivity in the world without enabling toxic positivity, and the difference between the two

    • Kiran's take on the future being female and how this has evolved since 2016

  • If you want to listen to the full episode that accompanies this Grounding Poem that started this interview, check that out separately here.

Full Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Emily Race-Newmark: Welcome to This is How We Care, a podcast where we look at what it means to embody care, not as an individual practice, but a collective one, and to see what kind of world emerges from this place.

[00:00:12] Emily Race-Newmark: Thank you for being here. I am your host, Emily Race.

[00:00:15] Emily Race-Newmark: This grounding practice is a grounding meditation brought to you by Madam Gandhi. 

[00:00:20] Emily Race-Newmark: To listen to our interview, check out that separate episode wherever you listen to the This Is How We Care podcast. 

[00:00:26] Emily Race-Newmark: You can also sign up for our Patreon at patreon.com/thisishowwecare to check out bonus content that didn't make it into the final edit.

[00:00:35] Emily Race-Newmark: If you're able, we recommend relaxing your body into a comfortable position. In allowing yourself to really receive this meditation as a practice of getting connected to a part of ourselves that may be more difficult to access when we're constantly in motion. This practice also sets up context for the conversation that follows in our full interview.

[00:00:57] Emily Race-Newmark: Without further ado, I'll pass the mic over to Madame Gandhi.

[00:01:01] Madame Gandhi: For anyone who's listening, I would invite you to close your eyes, deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. And if you're not driving and your hands are free, and if you're able to, palms up to receive. Or palms face down on the lap to ground. Sometimes we need to be open and receive. Sometimes we need to protect our energy and actually just focus on our connection to the Earth. You know what's best for you. 

[00:01:32] Madame Gandhi: And I invite you to keep the eyes closed, lifting out through the third eye. The space between the eyebrows, that space of hyper intelligence. That space where we're never wrong, that space of incredible ancestry that came before us to sharpen the mind that we have today, creating decision making, decisiveness, precision, allow a gentle smile to wash over the face, feeling held by the earth, feeling solid, feeling rooted, feeling supported, stay breathing. And gazing up through that third eye, take a moment to think of one word that you know that you are today, filling in the blank of: I am______. Take a moment to visualize one thing you'd love to do with your day today, visualizing it with great detail. Finally, I invite you to visualize the most childlike, joyful laughter of any person in your life. May they be of this earth, may they have already passed. May they be someone who you're close with, someone who's new, they could be a friend, a family member. They could even be somebody you're having a tough time with at the moment.

[00:03:09] Madame Gandhi: See their light, see their joy, see their laughter, visualize the most belly laughter childlike joy of any one person in your life. Bringing the hands up to the head. May I think words of peace, truth, wisdom, kindness today, hands to the lips. May I speak words of peace, wisdom, kindness, love today, answer the hearts that are guided by my higher self and connected to my intrinsic youth, my happiness, my joy, my bliss. That which brings me to moments just like this, Namaste.

[00:03:56] Madame Gandhi: Thank you. 

[00:03:57] Emily Race-Newmark: Thank you for listening. If you want to continue with us on this journey, please check out the full interview with Madame Gandhi. Hope to see you there.


Healing Communities From Soil to Society with Dr. Rupa Marya


The Art of Joy w/ Madame Gandhi