S2 E9: Grounding Moment with Boston Ujima Project: Envisioning Possibilities

About this episode:

In this Grounding Moment, Ryan “Rei” Fielder—Director of Coalitions, Policy, and Grassroots Organizing at Boston Ujima Project — engages us with a reflective question. This grounding moment sets up context for the conversation we have with Ujima around community-controlled economies. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

Join our Patreon Community for bonus content including:

  • Why Ujima was the name that was chosen 

  • Hearing from Rei & Cierra their take on the biggest challenge of our time 

  • More on how Ujima supports businesses as part of their Good Business Alliance meet the 36 standards (a partnership, not punitive process) 

  • If you want to listen to the full episode that accompanies this Grounding Moment, check that out separately here.

Full Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Emily Race-Newmark: Welcome to This is How We Care, a podcast where we look at what it means to embody care, not as an individual practice, but a collective one, and to see what kind of world emerges from this place.

[00:00:12] Emily Race-Newmark: Thank you for being here. I am your host, Emily Race.

[00:00:15] Emily Race-Newmark: This grounding moment is brought to you by Rei Fielder of Boston Ujima project. 

[00:00:22] Emily Race-Newmark: To listen to our full interview, check out that separate episode wherever you listen to the This Is How We Care podcast.

[00:00:28] Emily Race-Newmark: This is a great moment to transition your body into relaxing, receiving mode. 

[00:00:33] Emily Race-Newmark: If you're able to, please get yourself into a comfortable position to allow yourself to really receive this question, this inquiry, as a practice to get connected to an inner part of yourself, a wise part of yourself, the part that may be more difficult to access when we're constantly on the go.

[00:00:54] Emily Race-Newmark: This practice is also an invitation to set up context for the conversation that follows in our full interview. 

[00:01:01] Emily Race-Newmark: Without further ado, I'll pass the mic over to Rei. 

[00:01:05] Rei Fielder: One of the grounding practices that Ujima uses in all of our meetings, all of our staff meetings, all of our member meetings is this practice of checking question that is relevant to the time. 

[00:01:18] Rei Fielder: And so this interview will be airing just after our assembly of black possibilities and in line with the kind of theme of this podcast around thinking about possibilities, the checking question that I'm going to pose to everyone on here today is: "when you think of just the possibilities in the world that we want to create, what are some necessary vehicles to make those worlds come to fruition?"

[00:01:49] Emily Race-Newmark: Thank you for listening. If you want to continue with us on this journey, please check out the full interview with Rei, Nia, and Cierra of Boston Ujima Project.

[00:01:58]Emily Race-Newmark: Hope to see you there.


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